Your Money Matters To Us

Your Money Matters To Us
4 Steps to Spending Your Stimulus Check Wisely When You Don’t Have An Emergency Fund
April 13, 2020
Most Americans don’t have an emergency fund. While we’re all experiencing this pandemic very differ…
3 Reasons Not to Consider a Big Tax Refund “Extra Money”
January 28, 2020
When you receive your tax refund, how do you usually spend it? If you’re one of the many people tha…
Saving is an Option for Individuals with Disabilities
January 28, 2020
Oftentimes, individuals with disabilities may not be familiar with savings options that are availab…
Build Your New Year’s Resolution the SMART Way
January 15, 2020
Are you working on your New Year’s resolutions? If so, you’re one of just over 60 percent of Americ…
5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Holiday Scams
November 22, 2019
The holidays are underway, but that doesn’t mean that shopping is yet complete. Unfortunately, it d…
Beating the Holiday Financial Blues
November 22, 2019
Holidays are often an exciting time of the year. Spending time with family, enjoying time off work…
5 Holiday Mistakes That Could Cost You
November 22, 2019
The holidays are just around the corner, which means it’s time to enjoy vacations, catch up with fa…
5 Ways to Start and Maintain an Emergency Fund
August 26, 2019
This past October, I realized how important saving for emergencies is after needing emergency denta…
Most Americans Don’t Have Enough Savings
August 26, 2019
Do you have enough savings to cover an emergency? If not, you’re among the 71 percent of people tha…